Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Find out how we can turn your website from being hard to find on Google to the website that your competitors are studying.

We work with both SMEs as well as large enterprises in dozens of industries (from E-Commerce to SaaS) to help them rank for high-value keywords with the intent to increase their revenue and leads.

Core SEO Services

Keyword Research

An actionable keyword list that includes a keyword prioritisation matrix to inform the content plan. PATTRNS leave no stone unturned as we also research competitor keywords. 

Technical SEO Audit

We ensure technical health isn’t holding back great websites. Our SEO team will identify technical issues on the website that are damaging performance, and build out sprints for your developer teams to resolve.

Content Creation

With a data driven list of keywords to target, we begin creating briefs for our in-house content writers. The team will produce industry-leading content aiming to solve customers' problems while positioning your product as the solution.

SEO Process That Gets Real Results

The Foundations for SEO

Get a FREE ''Quick Wins'' Audit

Our SEO team will comb through your website and blog to find quick wins you can resolve right away.  Larger more technical challenges can feature into future sprints.

Our Stance on AI Content

Since Google's Helpful Content Update in October 2023, we've decided to no longer use AI content, even if you request it!

Our goal as an SEO agency is to build industry-leading content that genuinely solves the problem of customers and positions a product as the solution.

Our secondary goal is to improve your brand reputation and position you as a thought leader in your industry, not to  produce content for Google.

Niche SEO Services

Website Migration Support

We will help you NOT lose traffic while migrating your brand over to a new website or to a new domain, helping you retain your rankings and traffic.

Local SEO Optimisation

Our team will help you optimise your Google My Business profiles, help you with listings management and build out optimised localised pages on your website to help you rank for local keywords and improve the reputation in your operating area.

Search Behaviour Analysis

Get in the mind of your consumers: search trends in your industry, how people search and what do they hope to find. In-depth analysis of the true customer needs and problems facing your industry.

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